Web 2.0 and Education - Fourth international seminar
The aim of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) UNESCO Chair in Elearning is to foster an integrated research, learning, information and documentation system on the positive effects that the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) represents for universities. UOC UNESCO Chair in eLearning promotes an opened university model, capable to generate dynamics of improvement within universities and within UOC itself, acting as a space for reflection and interdisciplinary analysis about the transformations suffered by higher education institutions as a result of the introduction and use of eLearning. Following this, the International Seminar has been conceived as a framework for dissemination and exchange of knowledge and experiences linked to the relationship between University and Elearning. Its aim is to look deeply into the knowledge and analysis of the main elements and challenges that the twenty-first century university faces. UOC UNESCO Chair in eLearning IV International Seminar will focus its activity on the impact that the born, development and use of web 2.0 tools have upon university educational paradigms. New models of Internet presence and content publishing will be also covered. The Seminar is addressed to:Organized by UOC UNESCO Chair in ELearning and OLCOS. 17th till 19th October 2007, in Barcelona (Spain).
- Senior managers on university governing boards: rectors, vice rectors and executive managers or administrators.
- Academics who are working on research projects about the challenges and debates posed by web 2.0 tools design, development and use.
- Managers of the processes for introduction and use of Elearning at higher education institutions where web 2.0 tools and standards play a leading role: the rector's representative for the Implementation and use of new technologies, Elearning directors, Faculty deans, innovation centre directors, etc.