OECD launches new survey on OER

18.04.08 | OECD’s Centre for Educational Research and Innovation is carrying out a study on Open Educational Resources (OER) in higher education. As one part of that study OECD is launching a web based... more
OLCOS and the Cape Town Open Education Declaration

24.01.08 | In September 2007 the Open Society Institute (OSI) and the Shuttleworth Foundation convened a meeting in Cape Town to gather leading proponents of open education. The goal was to seek ways for these... more
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation's 2008 Open Educational Resources grantee meeting.

06.12.07 | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania12th till 13th March 2008 The meeting will take place in conjunction with the Opening Learning Interplay Symposium 2008 hosted by Carnegie Mellon University in... more
Fifth OLCOS Forum

15.11.07 | The OLCOS team is pleased to announce that the fifth OLCOS discussion forum is scheduled to take place between 15th and 30th November. This time the discussion will focus on the question "What... more
OLCOS presented at the Open Classroom Conference

09.11.07 | Stockholm, 24th -26th October 2007 The Sixth Open Classroom Conference aims at offering an opportunity to present, be informed about and join the European dialogue about how families, teachers,... more
Web 2.0 and Education - Fourth international seminar

16.10.07 | Organized by UOC UNESCO Chair in ELearning and OLCOS. 17th till 19th October 2007, in Barcelona (Spain).The aim of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) UNESCO Chair in Elearning is to foster an... more
OLCOS Tutorial workshops

19.09.07 | In April and in June 2007 the OLCOS consortium organised six workshops in which the team presented OLCOS and its diverse services - in particular the five OLCOS Tutorials: "Search & Find... more
3. EduMedia Conference 2007

13.03.07 | "Open Education enhanced by Web 2.0!?!"Open Educational Practices and Resources for Lifelong Learning 16th - 17th of April 2007 in Salzburg, AustriaRegistration for the... more
OLCOS participated in the EACEA Cluster Meeting of eLearning and Minerva projects

12.03.07 | On the 5th of March OLCOS participated in the Cluster Meeting of eLearning and Minerva projects which was organised by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) and held in the... more
OLCOS Roadmap 2012 released

19.01.07 | The OLCOS project consortium is pleased to announce the release of the Report "Open Educational Practices and Resources: OLCOS Roadmap 2012".This report is based on research work, expert... more
OLCOS at the Online Educa 2006 in Berlin
04.12.06 | On 30th November 2006 first results of the OLCOS Open eLearning Content Observatory Services Roadmap 2012 were presented at the Online Educa Berlin, the 12th International Conference on Technology... more
OLCOS presented at EADTU Annual Conference in Tallinn
01.12.06 | A representative of the OLCOS-team presented the project within the EADTU Annual Conference 2006. The conference took place under the title "Widening Participation and... more
Third OLCOS Expert Meeting and International Seminar of the UOC UNESCO Chair in eLearning

28.11.06 | The OLCOS project co-operated with the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) UNESCO Chair in E-learning in organizing the Third International Seminar about Open Educational Resources and... more
OLCOS Presents at OECD/CERI Expert Meeting in Barcelona

10.11.06 | On invitation of OECD's Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI), project co-ordinator Veronika Hornung-Prähauser (Salzburg Research, AT) and Viola Naust (Fernuniversität... more
Second expert meeting within OLCOS - Open eLearning Content Observatory Services

22.06.06 | Last week, an European expert meeting on the topic of "Open Educational Resources" (OER) and in particular "Open digital content" has taken place in Vienna. Whereas nowadays... more
Kick-off meeting and first expert workshop within the OLCOS-project

31.05.06 | The OLCOS consortium and invited experts discussed the targets of the project OLCOS - Open eLearning Content Observatory Services in the frame of the project kick-off and first Management Meeting... more