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William and Flora Hewlett Foundation's 2008 Open Educational Resources grantee meeting.

logo_symposium.jpgPittsburgh, Pennsylvania
12th till 13th March 2008 

The meeting will take place in conjunction with the Opening Learning Interplay Symposium 2008 hosted by Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Opening Learning Interplay will bring learning scientists and developers together to share theories, best practices, and current issues in the fields of open education resources and learning science, and to identify new areas for research.

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation's Open Educational Resources Meeting will build on the discussions and presentations of the Open Learning Interplay Symposium which takes place on March 10th till 12th 2008.

The combination of these events is designed to

  • Renew a commitment to improve teaching and learning in OER
  • Stimulate the development of a design and research agenda for the Open Educational Resources field.
  • Engage colleagues across disciplines to discuss the best ways to promote this agenda and share knowledge on a continuing basis.
  • Learn how successful partnerships between the Learning Sciences and OER developers have been forged and encourage the establishment and growth of these relationships.
  • Apply solid research findings to OER design.
  • Identify new avenues of research in the Learning Sciences field. 

More information at: